Give me 3 hours and you'll walk away with the EXACT strategies experts are using to successfully help clients prevent & heal pregnancy-related diastasis recti. 

Leave behind the fear of doing the wrong exercises or making it worse. 

See Enrollment Options

➣ You could have this certificate in YOUR hands within 3 hours of starting this program.

Earn 3 CECs From the National Pilates Certification Program

 Dear Pilates Teacher, 

➡️ The Pilates Teacher's Protocol for Diastasis Recti was created for Pilates teachers LIKE YOU, who are COMMITTED to offering supportive, healing sessions for this special population.

  • Designed to help you develop 100% CERTAINTY in your understanding of pregnancy-related diastasis recti, 
  • explaining 'the WHY' behind WHAT you teach, helping you develop the confidence you've been looking for.

No more confusion around conflicting guidelines that you may have learned from well-meaning mentors. 

Keep reading to find out how YOU can become the expert in helping clients prevent, heal, or manage diastasis recti. 

To Your Teaching Success, 

Alison Marsh - Founder of Pregnancy Pilates IMPACT 💫

Click Here to See Enrollment Options

See what Pilates teachers are saying about The Pilates Protocol for Diastasis Recti ⬇️

Quick Info

What is Diastasis Recti ?
Course Outline
Enrollment Options
Frequently Asked Questions

Excessive, unmanaged intra-abdominal pressure is the primary cause of DRA.

In the picture, notice how this woman's abs are bulging out.

This is called doming, and it's one of the pressure-related issues that contributes to DRA (Diastasis Recti). 

Pilates teachers are in the PERFECT position to help clients learn to manage this pressure during

  • exercise,
  • everyday movement,
  • and everyday emotions! (Yes, emotions. Keep reading to learn more...)

The Emotional Effects of Diastasis Recti:

Right now, there is a mom with diastasis recti, looking in the mirror, who is losing HOPE. 

Her OBGYN has told her the ONLY WAY to fix the separation is a $10,000 surgery.

If this isn't bad enough, she has a child witnessing this discouragement,

whether through the lack of energy she is bringing to motherhood,

or actually seeing mom frown at herself in the mirror, and look at her belly in disgust. 

As a Pilates teacher, YOU are in the PERFECT position to EMPOWER this mom, and change this negative perspective on her healing. 

 What ACTUALLY is Diastasis Recti (DRA)?

The term Diastasis recti means 'separation of the rectus abdominus'

HOWEVER it's ACTUALLY a widening of the linea alba (the fascial, tendon-like sheath that connects the 4 abdominal muscles and surrounding fascia together.)

➡️ So to say that DRA is a separation is NOT accurate.

✅ A BETTER way to describe this condition is a WIDENING and THINNING of the linea alba.

Why is this important? 

When you are educating clients about this condition, the term 'separation' may create fear-mongering, leading your client to thinking that their belly is torn. 

It is not torn. 

When the belly is torn, that is ACTUALLY a hernia. Most of the time a hernia will need surgery to fix. 

Build your credibility, and become THE go-to expert in your area, known for effectively working with client's who have diastasis recti. 

So many teachers are afraid of working with this population. Because of this, It is RARE to find a studio who specializes in serving clients with diastasis recti! 

This puts YOU at an advantage! 

Once you learn the skills and get some practice working with this population (which you are prompted to do after every lesson in the Pilates Protocol for Diastasis Recti program) you get to offer this unique service to your community! 

Click Here to See Enrollment Options

"All relevant health and fitness providers working with pregnant women should know how to promote best care practices for this condition. "

Delphi Consensus Study Experts
Establishing Expert-Based Recommendations for the Conservative Management of Pregnancy-Related Diastsis Rectus Abdominis.

The Pilates Teacher's Protocol for Diastasis Recti Online Program Curriculum

What's inside this career-changing program...

Based on the research: Expert Consensus on the Conservative Management of Pregnancy-Related Diastasis Recti.

In this training you will learn:



  • What clients are REALLY working with when it comes to managing intra-abdominal pressure.


  • 3 NEW assessment techniques, beyond the typical REC CHECK


  • Specific protocols for
    • pregnancy,
    • labor,
    • early postpartum, and
    • later postpartum.
  • PLUS How to use the bio-psycho-social model of healing


  • How to change your client's perspective on healing DRA, from a negative to a positive experience.


100% Online, Go-At-Your-Own-Pace Workshop

Enjoy the ease of accessing your DRA workshop on any device, on your own time!


Research-Based Content

Developed directly from the research conducted by Dr. Sinead Dufour, you will be confident that you are teaching from the most up-to-date guidelines. 

PDF Printable Guide

Printer-friendly (non ink-guzzling) PDF downloads to help you follow along with the workshop. 

Easy Access Video Library

EASILY access your DRA workshop with smart-phone friendly capability. Super convenient for those necessary reviews before your next session. 

Your Enrollment Options

The goal of Pregnancy Pilates Impact is to make continuing education affordable for all teachers. Pick an option below so you can start helping clients heal from diastasis recti, tomorrow if you have to!! Save 20% on LIFETIME Access by putting in code DRACONFIDENT20 at checkout

Pilates Protocol for DRA | Monthly Access


Monthly Investment

Your Enrollment INCLUDES:

  • The Pilates Protocol for Diastasis Recti Pre-Recorded, Research-Based Course with PDF Guide which includes: 
    • Anatomy of DRA
    • 3 New Assessments
    • The Body Patience Guide for Clients
    • Beginning Mat Pilates Session Video    
  • 3 CEC's for the National Pilates Certification Program Upon Completion on the Quiz
  • MONTHLY access!
    • Get what you need for as long as you need it! 
    • Cancel anytime! 

✨BONUSES With Enrollment:

  • 34 Mat Variations for Healing DRA Masterclass
  • 34 Mat Variations Posters - PDF Download
  • Factors Beyond Movement with Dr. Sinead Dufour
Click Here for Monthly Access | $47 Monthly

Pilates Protocol for DRA | LIFETIME Access


1 x Investment

Your Enrollment INCLUDES:

  • The Pilates Protocol for Diastasis Recti Pre-Recorded, Research-Based Course with PDF Guide which includes: 
    • Anatomy of DRA
    • 3 New Assessments
    • The Body Patience Guide for Clients
    • Beginning Mat Pilates Session Video   
  • 3 CEC's for the National Pilates Certification Program Upon Completion on the Quiz
  • LIFETIME access!
    • Come back to the material as often as you need to.
    • Ongoing access to ALL updates! 

✨BONUSES With Enrollment:

  • 34 Mat Variations for Healing DRA Masterclass
  • 34 Mat Variations Posters - Sent to your door! 
  • Factors Beyond Movement with Dr. Sinead Dufour
Click Here for Lifetime Access | $297

Pilates Protocol for DRA | LIFETIME Access + 1:1 Mentorship


1 x Investment

 Your 1:1 Mentorship INCLUDES:

  • The Pilates Protocol for Diastasis Recti Pre-Recorded, Research-Based Course with PDF Guide which includes: 
    • Anatomy of DRA
    • 3 New Assessments
    • The Body Patience Guide for Clients
    • Beginning Mat Pilates Session Video   
  • 3 CEC's for the National Pilates Certification Program Upon Completion on the Quiz
  • LIFETIME access!
    • Come back to the material as often as you need to.
    • Ongoing access to ALL updates! 

✨BONUSES With Enrollment:

  • 34 Mat Variations for Healing DRA Masterclass
  • 34 Mat Variations Posters - Sent to your door! 
  • Factors Beyond Movement with Dr. Sinead Dufour


❇️ 5 exclusive sessions with Alison Marsh NCPT:

1 Mentorship Planning Session

3 Full Sessions to Implement the Plan

1 Follow-up Session

Click Here for 1:1 Mentorship Option

Enroll Now in LIFETIME Access and Save 20%! Use code DRACONFIDENT20 at checkout.

Plus, you also get these BONUS Trainings to Solidify your Skills!

When you enroll in The DRA Program you will ALSO get the following supplementary trainings...

Healing BEYOND the Movement

Healing Factors Beyond The Movement  taught by Dr. Sinead Dufour - Pelvic Health PT, Researcher, and Professor at McMaster University

  1. In this 1 hour, value-packed interview, Dr. Sinead shares the most important elements of healing including 
    1. Stress Management for New Moms
    2. Understanding collagen supplements
    3. Collagen-building nutrition

The 34 Classical Mat Variations for DRA Healing

In this 2 hour session, you will go through each of the 34 Pilates Mat Variations for Healing DRA taught by Alison Marsh- Founder of Pregnancy Pilates Impact, Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher, Perinatal Pilates Professional Educator 

  1. Each exercise is broken down by beginning, intermediate, and advanced healing variations.
  2. You will learn WHY the original exercises are contraindicated and how to create safe variations.

Frequently Asked Questions

The course is delivered online through Kajabi - a platform that houses all Pregnancy Pilates Impact Courses. 

After you enroll, you will get an email with your log-in information plus a temporary password. 

Yes! This course is approved for 3 CEC's through the National Pilates Certification Program. There is a quiz that you will take after completing the course. Once you pass the quiz, you will receive a certificate instantly! 


Yes! Once the course is complete, you will receive a certificate of completion via a PDF download. 

No. This course is focused on the Pilates mat work. However, it can be applied to the apparatus. 


For lifetime access, you have 30 days to begin putting the protocols to work. If you are not beginning to build your confidence in teaching clients with DRA, you can get a refund. For monthly access, there are no refunds, however you can cancel at anytime! 

Under each lesson, there is a convenient comment section. Ask your question there, and your teacher will respond right under your question. 

Your Lead Instructor:

Alison B. Marsh NCPT

Click Here for Alison's Curriculum Vitae (CV) 

-Founder and CEO of Pregnancy Pilates Impact 

-Former CEO of Your Pregnant Core Pilates - DK Body Certification 2012

-Pilates comprehensive training completed through DK Body Balancing Method in 2002

-National Pilates Certification Program Certified 2018

-National Pilates Certification Program CEC Provider

-Curriculum Contributor for Pilates Considerations for PCES - with Dr. Sarah Duvall 

-Author of The Pilates Instructor's Easy Reference Guide to Teaching Pre and Postnatal Women

-Bachelor of Arts in Dance Education, Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Nevada Las Vegas 2005

-Adjunct Professor - University of Nevada Las Vegas Pilates Program 2017

-Retired Professional Dancer - Folies Bergere in Las Vegas, NV 2005

-Founder of the Diastasis Recti Discussion Group for Pilates Instructors 

--Mother of 5 - 2 step, 2 adopted, 1 biological.

Click Here to Learn More about Alison's training, and Pregnancy Pilates Impact

Guest Instructor:

Dr. Sinéad Dufour DPT

The DRA workshop presented in this program is based on the research of Dr. Sinead. 

Dr. Sinéad completed her MScPT at McMaster University in 2003, her PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Science at Western in 2011 and returned to McMaster to complete her Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Aging, Community and Health Research Unit in 2014.


Dr. Sinéad Dufour has worked as a physiotherapist for over a decade with an emphasis on treating issues in the back and pelvis. More recently, Sinéad added to this expertise by completing additional training in obstetrics and urogyenecology that now allow her to practice with advanced standing through the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario as a rostered Pelvic Health Physiotherapist.

Clinically, Sinéad is fortunate to work with a wonderful collaboarive team at The World of my Baby (

Sinéad’s clinical work is complimented by her research and teaching in the Faculty of Health Science at McMaster University.

She is an Assistant Clinical Professor both the in the Schools of Rehabilitation Science and Nursing, as well as a Lecturer in the Schulich School of Medicine.

In addition, she is a Research Associate in the Aging Community and Health Research Unit also at McMaster.  

Sinéad’s passion for improving current perinatal practices accelerated through her own experience having twins.

She is an advocate for women’s health nationally and internationally through presentations, invited speaking engagements and volunteer work.


Let's Do This!

There are women out there waiting for YOU, to bring them HOPE and healing!


Questions? Contact Us! We're here to help!





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The Pilates Protocol for Diastasis Recti Workshop: Research-Based Protocol, with Compassion-Based Healing 

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