CONFIDENTLY teach the 34 Classical Pilates Mat Exercises Modified JUST for Pregnant and Postpartum women,

EVEN if they're healing from diastasis recti or pelvic organ prolapse

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 ✧ With the 34 Perinatal Mat Variations Teaching Kit you get ... 

Masterclass Series Detailing Each Pilates Mat Exercise with Variations Safe for:

  • Pregnancy - The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters 
  • Postpartum - The 4th trimester which is the first 3 months postpartum.
  • The variations are also safe for diastasis recti and pelvic organ prolapse healing. 

✅  The New-Client Intake process which immediately begins to build trust and rapport in the teacher/client relationship

✅ Pre & Postnatal specific posters with all 34 exercises show in detail.

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A letter from Alison Marsh NCPT - Founder of Pregnancy Pilates Impact:

Dear Pilates Teacher,

If teaching pre and postnatal women makes you a little (or a lot) nervous, that's actually a good thing! Teaching this special population is a BIG responsibility. And feeling nervous just means that you care! 

But when those nerves are mixed with conflicting information on what's safe for this special population, you end up feeling self-doubt and uncertainty in your teaching. 

So, to CLEAR the confusion, I created The 34 Perinatal Mat Variations program for teachers who are craving a straightforward approach to teaching pre and postnatal women,

so that you are certain what you are teaching won't hurt mom or baby, or cause other issues such as diastasis recti and pelvic organ prolapse.

 Keep reading to find out what this easy to follow program can offer your teaching practice...

The New-Client Intake Process Pack 

The PDF download pack includes The Bio-Psycho-Social Verbal Consultation which is a better choice for the intake of a new perinatal client. 

Get rid of that impersonal, "medicalized" intake form and try this NEW way of gathering information from your client. 

→→ The New Client Intake Pack includes:

  1. A Sample Liability Waiver Download
  2. The Bio-Psycho-Social Consultation Form Download 
  3. A video explaining WHY this type of intake is crucial for this special population, and HOW to ask each question. 


Click Here to See Enrollment Options

And here is another MAJOR PERK of the program...

 You can apply these variations to ALL clients for:

  • back pain,
  • diastasis recti,
  • prolapse,
  • beginning clients,
  • and clients who just need a risk-free workout.

How this program came into fruition:

Every year in March, 360 Pilates hosts March MATness, encouraging the Pilates community to come together and post one exercise everyday in March from the classical Pilates 34 as shown in Return to Life with Contrology - Joseph Pilates' manifesto.

During March MATness of 2019, I observed my pre and postnatal Pilates teacher students encouraging their audience to "skip the exercise" for commonly contraindicated exercises, like the Roll-Over and Crab. 

The Problem with Skipping the Exercises: 

If we are skipping exercises, and a pre or postnatal woman is in your mat class, the last thing she wants is to be told she shouldn't do a certain exercise. 

Instead, I encouraged teachers to come up with SAFE variations for these commonly contraindicated exercises. 

So, in March of 2020, the 34 Mat Perinatal Safe Variations Program was created. 

Now, if you are a Classical Pilates 'pureist', you may not agree with modifying the exercises. But for this special population, why not make an exception? 

Enrollment Options

The goal of Pregnancy Pilates Impact is to make continuing education affordable for all teachers. Pick an option below so you can begin to bring IMPACTFUL perinatal Pilates services to your community. Get paying clients soon after you begin the program to cover your investment. and to start helping the women who need you now!



Monthly | Cancel Anytime

$57  $47 Monthly

 Your enrollment INCLUDES:

✅ The 34 Perinatal Mat SAFE Variations Masterclasses - Monthly Access

✅ Quick-Reference Video access

✅ The New Client Intake Pack 

✅ 2 Posters PDF Download 

 $47- Monthly Access 

(This option is a monthly subscription. Stay as long as you need to. Cancel anytime.) 

Click Here to Get Started

LIFEtime Access


1 x Investment

$297 $197

Your enrollment INCLUDES:

 ✅ The 34 Perinatal Mat SAFE Variations Masterclasses - Unlimited Access

✅ Quick-Reference Video access

✅ The New Client Intake Pack 

✅ 2 Posters sent to your home!

$197 - Lifetime Access

Click Here to Get Started

Lifetime Access + 1:1 Mentorship


1 x Investment/ Payment Plan Available

Your enrollment INCLUDES:

 ✅ The 34 Perinatal Mat SAFE Variations Masterclasses - Unlimited Access

✅ Quick-Reference Video access

✅ The New Client Intake Pack 

✅ 2 Posters sent to your home!


✅ 3 1:1 90 minute Sessions with Alison Marsh - Founder of Pregnancy Pilates Impact 


Access to The Mat & Props Exercise Library (Exclusive to 1:1 Mentorship Students) 


Click Here to Get Started

Check out the epic bonuses you get when you enroll...

☆ BONUS 1 ☆ 34 Mat Posters

2 Quick-Reference Posters to use in your classes! One with the pregnancy variations and one with the postnatal variations. 

☆ Bonus 2 ☆ 34 Mat Quick-Reference Videos

Access to the pregnancy and postpartum variations to go with the posters! 

☆ Bonus 3 ☆ Workbook PDF Download

The 34 Mat Companion Workbook Printable PDF with Crucial Concepts to Teach, and How to keep your clients SAFE 

Details of the 34 Mat Posters to Compliment The Training

Your Instructor:

Alison B. Marsh NCPT

Hi, I'm Alison - the founder of Pregnancy Pilates Impact, where my goal is to help Pilates teachers like you to build the confidence and competence in teaching pre and postnatal women, so that you can make a lasting contribution to this world, through the timeless Pilates method. 

I have focused my Pilates career on making sure Pilates teachers feel certainty in their teaching, and that Pilates teachers understand the needs of pre and postnatal women, beyond the movement. 

You can read through my credentials below. 

Thank you for your dedication to pre and postnatal women. 

Click Here for Alison's Curriculum Vitae (CV) 

  • Pilates comprehensive training completed through DK Body Balancing Method in 2002
  • Founder and CEO of Pregnancy Pilates Impact 
  • Former CEO of Your Pregnant Core Pilates
  • Creator of the DK Body Balancing Pre and Postnatal Certification 2012
  • Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher 2018
  • Author of The Pilates Instructor's Easy Reference Guide to Teaching Pre and Postnatal Women
  • Bachelor of Arts in Dance Education, from the University of Nevada Las Vegas 2002
  • Bachelor of Social Work from the University of Nevada Las Vegas 2005
  • Adjunct Professor - University of Nevada Las Vegas Pilates Program 2017
  • Retired Professional Dancer - Folies Bergere in Las Vegas, NV 2005
  • Founder of the Diastasis Recti Discussion Group for Pilates Instructors 
  • Mother of 5 - 2 step, 2 adopted, 1 biological.

Click Here to Learn More about Alison's training, and Pregnancy Pilates Impact

Let's DO This! Click the button below to review your enrollment options!

There are women WAITING for YOU to change their life through Pilates.

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Questions? Contact Us! We're here to help!





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