Lifetime Access
$197 Only $77
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This training is for you if you want to CONFIDENTLY incorporate whole-body pelvic floor education and training into your EXISTING sessions using powerful Franklin Method® imagery techniques
➣ Know how & when to cue the pelvic floor
➣ Educate clients on the power of their thoughts, and how stress can contribute to pelvic floor issues like incontinence and prolapse.
➣ Explain pelvic floor changes during and after pregnancy with simple concepts that make sense to clients (and you!)
➣Teach clients FUN ways to incorporate pelvic floor training into everyday life for a resilient pelvic floor. (And it's obviously not Kegels- because those aren't necessarily fun. 🙃)
🔹You don't have to be teaching pre and postnatal women to benefit from this training. You can apply what you learn to ALL clients!
🟣 Why Whole-Body, Fascia Focused Training with Imagery?
Traditional pelvic floor training tends to focus on working the specific muscles of the pelvic floor.
But the body is MUCH more complex than that!
✧ Whole-body pelvic floor fascia training with imagery focuses on
- Fascial continuity within the pelvis (the tendon-like layers that envelop the organs) & around the pelvis (including the glutes & abs,)
- How those connections interweave from the feet to the cheeks
- How our thoughts effect overall functioning of the body.
💫 This type of training beautifully compliments the Pilates method's whole-body conditioning focus.
🟣 The result is a RESILIENT fascial body suit that optimally adapts during pregnancy and resiliently heals postpartum.
🔹 Research shows that:
1. Perinatal women are not getting the pelvic floor education they need from their OBGYNs.
2. Lack of pelvic floor education is associated with perinatal mental health issues.
🔹 As a Pilates teacher, you are in the PERFECT position to fill this crucial gap in education.
⭐️ With your enrollment, you get instant access to 2 BONUSES to enhance learning AND business:
1. The Womb in Fascia Keynote Presentation | $97 Free
-Find out what's REALLY going on inside the pregnant uterus, and how it affects the whole body.
-Get a LIVE view of the miraculous amniotic sac (the fascial covering that baby grows in.)
2. Profitable Perinatal Packages with Purpose Training | $197 Free
-Learn the 7 steps to designing irresistible session packages that pay you consistently (no more feast or famine, paid-up-front 10 packs.)
➣ Links to your 2 bonuses are emailed to you instantly, as soon as you enroll!
🌈 You also get the Deep Front Line Lit Up Audio Meditation /Visualization 🔊 to help you embody the traditional Pilates core from the feet to the cheeks.
🟣 LIFETIME Access to the Replay
Money-Back Guarantee
After going through the masterclass series, if you are not more confident in teaching this topic to your clients, You may request a refund. (You must have gone through the training, practiced the skills taught in the training, and had a conversation with Alison Marsh about what you felt you needed more clarity on.)
Your Instructor:
Alison B. Marsh NCPT - Founder of Pregnancy Pilates IMPACT
Click Here to See Alison's Bio
or on Instagram @pregnancy.pilates.impact
Let's get you enrolled, and on your way to giving perinatal women the education they need to thrive!
Research Mentioned:
1. Dessie SG, Hacker MR, Dodge LE, Elkadry EA. Do Obstetrical Providers, Counsel Women About Postpartum Pelvic Floor Dysfunction? J Reprod Med. 2015 May-Jun;60(5-6):205-10. PMID: 26126305; PMCID: PMC4886546.
2. Johnson, Kimberley T. MS1; Williams, Paula G. PhD1; Hill, Audra J. MD2. The Importance of Information: Prenatal Education Surrounding Birth-Related Pelvic Floor Trauma Mitigates Symptom-Related Distress. Journal of Women's Health Physical Therapy 46(2):p 62-72, April/June 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/JWH.0000000000000229