RESILIENT Whole-Body Perinatal Pelvic Floor Fascia! | With Franklin Method® Teachings

 Lifetime Access 

$197 Only $77

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This training is for you if you want to CONFIDENTLY incorporate whole-body pelvic floor education and training into your EXISTING sessions using powerful Franklin Method® imagery techniques

➣ Know how & when to cue the pelvic floor 

➣ Educate clients on the power of their thoughts, and how stress can contribute to pelvic floor issues like incontinence and prolapse.  

➣ Explain pelvic floor changes during and after pregnancy with simple concepts that make sense to clients (and you!)

➣Teach clients FUN ways to incorporate pelvic floor training into everyday life for a resilient pelvic floor. (And it's obviously not Kegels- because those aren't necessarily fun. 🙃)

🔹You don't have to be teaching pre and postnatal women to benefit from this training. You can apply what you learn to ALL clients!

🟣 Why Whole-Body, Fascia Focused Training with Imagery? 

Traditional pelvic floor training tends to focus on working the specific muscles of the pelvic floor.
But the body is MUCH more complex than that! 
Whole-body pelvic floor fascia training with imagery focuses on
  1. Fascial continuity within the pelvis (the tendon-like layers that envelop the organs) & around the pelvis (including the glutes & abs,)
  2. How those connections interweave from the feet to the cheeks
  3. How our thoughts effect overall functioning of the body. 
💫 This type of training beautifully compliments the Pilates method's whole-body conditioning focus. 

🟣 The result is a RESILIENT fascial body suit that optimally adapts during pregnancy and resiliently heals postpartum. 

 🔹 Research shows that:

1. Perinatal women are not getting the pelvic floor education they need from their OBGYNs.

2. Lack of pelvic floor education is associated with perinatal mental health issues. 

🔹 As a Pilates teacher, you are in the PERFECT position to fill this crucial gap in education. 

⭐️ With your enrollment, you get instant access to 2 BONUSES to enhance learning AND business: 

1. The Womb in Fascia Keynote Presentation | $97 Free 

-Find out what's REALLY going on inside the pregnant uterus, and how it affects the whole body. 

-Get a LIVE view of the miraculous amniotic sac (the fascial covering that baby grows in.)

2. Profitable Perinatal Packages with Purpose Training | $197 Free

-Learn the 7 steps to designing irresistible session packages that pay you consistently (no more feast or famine, paid-up-front 10 packs.)

➣ Links to your 2 bonuses are emailed to you instantly, as soon as you enroll!

 🌈 You also get the Deep Front Line Lit Up Audio Meditation /Visualization 🔊 to help you embody the traditional Pilates core from the feet to the cheeks. 

🟣 LIFETIME Access to the Replay

Money-Back Guarantee

After going through the masterclass series, if you are not more confident in teaching this topic to your clients, You may request a refund. (You must have gone through the training, practiced the skills taught in the training, and had a conversation with Alison Marsh about what you felt you needed more clarity on.)

Your Instructor:

Alison B. Marsh NCPT - Founder of Pregnancy Pilates IMPACT
Click Here to See Alison's Bio


Questions? Contact [email protected]

or on Instagram @pregnancy.pilates.impact

Let's get you enrolled, and on your way to giving perinatal women the education they need to thrive! 

Research Mentioned:

1. Dessie SG, Hacker MR, Dodge LE, Elkadry EA. Do Obstetrical Providers, Counsel Women About Postpartum Pelvic Floor Dysfunction? J Reprod Med. 2015 May-Jun;60(5-6):205-10. PMID: 26126305; PMCID: PMC4886546.

2. Johnson, Kimberley T. MS1; Williams, Paula G. PhD1; Hill, Audra J. MD2. The Importance of Information: Prenatal Education Surrounding Birth-Related Pelvic Floor Trauma Mitigates Symptom-Related Distress. Journal of Women's Health Physical Therapy 46(2):p 62-72, April/June 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/JWH.0000000000000229

1 x investment of $77

Please read before completing your purchase.

 Waiver of Liability:

You understand and agree that you are waiving any and all claims you, or your clients may have, now or in the future, against Pregnancy Pilates Impact or Alison Marsh, or her instructors, employees or agents active or passive negligence or any other claim in tort or for personal injuries, for the aforesaid entities.

You hereby agree to waive any and all claims or rights you might otherwise have against Pregnancy Pilates Impact or Alison Marsh including the right to sue Pregnancy Pilates Impact or Alison Marsh, its instructors, employees or agents, for any such injuries to yourself or your clients, and claims aforesaid.

Money Back Guarantee:
If you are not more confident in teaching clients about their pelvic floor I will give you your money back. However, you must have addended or watched the full training, practiced with a client, and had a conversation with Alison regarding why you feel you are not more confident. 

Thank you for your dedication to changing the lives of pre and postnatal women! ✧

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